Studies & reliability

 The Xantus test is regularly checked and scientifically verified

Studie Zuverlässigkeit Xantus ko tropfen armband sicher funktioniertStudie Zuverlässigkeit Xantus ko tropfen armband sicher funktioniert

It works:

Xantus has been proven to work.
We have been to the laboratory several times to have it tested on different drinks.

In order to scientifically confirm the functionality of the Xantus Drinkcheck test, several tests have been carried out in the laboratories of independent chemical institutes.

Institute: BioChem, a GMP-certified independent quality control laboratory.

Study procedure:

1. the first test is performed with a normal drink (without GHB)

2. the KO drops of GHB are then added to the drink. The second test is performed with the KO drops in the drink.

3. the tests are completed after 10 seconds

4. colour changes are visible.

With GHB (KO drops): dark blue, dark green-blue, red-blue, violet-blue, brown-blue

Without GHB (normal): light yellowish/greenish colouring

More videos from the lab:

Xantus im Labor